Help with Melbourne Ancestors

Did your ancestors live in Melbourne in the 1800's?  If so, you may find them in the MELBOURNE DIRECTORIES.

Here is what they have to say about the site:
The Melbourne directories are a comprehensive listing of city addresses and occupants organised alphabetically by streets across the central city. It is augmented by alphabetical, trade and professional listings, as well as information on leading financial, government, official, ecclesiastical, legal and municipal institutions, and other miscellaneous advertisements, maps and information. The directory includes town as well as suburban listings, with coverage including Melbourne proper and, from year to year, the expanding suburbs of the greater metropolitan region.

This collection currently spans directories from 1857 to 1880. Due to size constraints, each yearly directory is broken up into multiple files.

Simply choose the year you need

Wait a couple of minutes while that book is uploaded, then expand it to a full screen, and here is an example page:

You can SCROLL through the pages easily using the ARROWS on your keyboard, or simply using the MOUSE.

As entries are NOT in alphabetical order by person, it is a bit tricky to search, use the easy way.  Click on the magnifying glass on the top left of the screen.  A search box (find) will come up, use this to search for your ancestors.


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